Two of the main emissions from Magnola's magnesium
extraction plant that cause concerns are Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and dioxins.
Dioxin is a general term used to refer to all polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxin
and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) of which the most potent and extensively studied
congener is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD).
Because the Comité de Citoyens expressed that the primary concern of
residents around Magnola is the effect of HCB ) exposure on human health,
it will be the emphasis of the health assessment.
HCB was widely used as a fungicide. Residents of Diyarbakir in southeastern
Turkey consumed bread prepared from wheat treated with HCB between 1955 and
1961, and an outbreak of porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) resulted. There were
approximately 3000 patients who suffered in various degrees, and the victims
were exposed to 50-200mg HCB/day for several months (Cam & Nigogosyan,
1963). It was the first major incident to demonstrate the danger of exposure
to HCB. Since then, the general public has been and still is concerned about
the exposure to HCB and other organochlorine compounds. This issue deserves
attention because both HCB and dioxins accumulate in lipid-rich tissues of
animals including humans (To-Figueras et al. 2000). Moreover, both HCB and
dioxins are widely distributed. In particular, the long-distance transport
and distribution of HCB via the troposphere is especially important and it
makes HCB an evenly distributed semi-volatile organic compound around the
world. Therefore, HCB emission has health and environmental implication at
both local and global levels. Both HCB and dioxins are still being released
into the environment as by-products of various industrial processes. In the
United States over 4000 tons of HCB are generated annually as a waste byproduct
mainly from the manufacture of chlorinated solvents (Michielsen et al. 1999).
Waste incineration is another source of HCB and dioxins emission into the
environment. In the magnesium extraction process, HCB and dioxins are the
by-product of electrolysis.
However, there are some difficulties in our investigation. First, currently
Magnola is not at its full operation capacity, and there is no real data to
be collected and analyzed. Magnola's emission projection cannot be verified
yet. In addition, there is little information on the effects of HCB exposure
to certain subsets of population. Animal studies occasionally show species
differences and when comparable human studies do not exist, it is somewhat
difficult to interpret conflicting findings of animal studies.
Project Issue in a Broader Context / Literature Review
Potential Adverse Health Effects Caused by
HCB and Dioxins
Except from the accidental contamination follow-up studies, there is little
information available regarding the toxicity of HCB. In particular, knowledge
of possible health effects due to chronic exposure to HCB is incomplete. However,
HCB and dioxins share some common characteristics. Medical researchers are
currently investigating the contribution of HCB exposure to the following
five most observable health effects:
1. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT)
2. Increased risk of thyroid cancer and soft-tissue sarcoma
3. Liver dysfunction and liver cell tumors
4. Impaired immune system function
5. Adverse effects on reproduction
1. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT)
As mentioned previously, the HCB contaminated bread incident in Turkey demonstrated
that an exposure to a large dose of HCB would cause PCT in humans. It should
also be mentioned that researchers also believe an acute exposure to TCDD
can trigger PCT in some individuals (Mukerjee 1998). More precisely, individuals
who were exposed to either substance would develope type IV PCT. (Table 2).
Table 2: Types and descriptions of PCT (Modified from De Mola et al. 1996)
Porphyria type Description
I Sporadic; deficiency of the enzyme is only in the liver
II Hereditary; autosomal dominant transmission; enzymatic defect in all cells
III Hereditary porphyria with normal uroporphyrinogen-3-decarboxylase (URO-D)
activity in red blood cells
IV Toxic form due to an exogenous chemical agent (e.g. HCB)
This disorder primarily affected children under 16 years of age; in the Turkish bread incident only 10% of the patients were over 16 years of age (Courtney 1979). The interval between HCB ingestion and the development of the initial symptoms of PCT is approximately 6 months (Cripps et al., 1984). In a normal individual, porphyrins are incorporated into hemoproteins. HCB-induced porphyria is characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase resulting in the accumulation of excessive porphyrins in the liver and increased urinary excretion of highly carboxylated porphyrins (Michielsen et al. 1999). Urine samples from patients suffering from PCT were red or brown. Patients had visible skin lesions, experienced loss of appetite and were irritable with cholic. The acute symptoms became less frequent 5 years after exposure to HCB. However, there are other symptoms such as small stature, small hands and painless arthritis, which are considered permanent effects (Cripps et al. 1984).
2. Increased Risk of Cancer
Animal study experiments indicate that HCB is a rodent carcinogen (van Birgelen,
1998). The organs that appear to be the major targets of this substance are
thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands and liver. An investigation of effects
of HCB exposure on human health conducted in Flix, Spain reveals that all
subjects who are cancer patients have been workers in an electrochemical plant
for some time. This study will be discussed in detail later in the report.
The finding suggests that although International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC) currently designates HCB as a class 2B carcinogen (i.e. possible carcinogen),
its carcinogenic potency should be reviewed. Regarding dioxins, the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) evaluated 2,3,7,8-TCDD and classified
it as a Group 1 substance, which means it is carcinogenic to humans. Overall,
it was found that the carcinogenicity of TCDD was for all cancers combined
rather than for any specific site (McGregor et al. 1998). However, there was
inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of all other PCDDs.
With regard to PCDFs it was concluded that there is inadequate evidence in
humans for carcinogenicity.
3. Liver Dysfunction
Liver is a major organ affected by the exposure to HCB. Only fat tissue has
a higher HCB concentration than liver. In fact, porphyria can also be considered
a liver disorder since the overproduction of porphyrins occurs in the liver
of the affected individuals. Linear relationships exist between fat and blood
HCB concentrations and between liver and blood concentrations. Den Tonkelaar
et al. (1978) measured HCB concentrations in liver, kidney and brain tissues
after 13 weeks of administration of HCB to pigs, and it was demonstrated that
HCB concentration in liver is higher than that in kidney and brain. (Table
Table 3: Mean HCB concentration in liver,
kidney and brain of pigs that received HCB for 13 weeks (Modified from Den
Tonkelaar et al. 1978)
HCB (mg/kg/day) HCB (mg/kg)
Liver Kidney Brain
0.5 3.3 2.17 1.95
5.0 42.3 17.9 19.9
Animal studies reveal that chronic exposure
to HCB could induce liver cell tumors in rats, mice and hamsters. Furthermore,
De Mola et al. (1996) reported that female PCT patients during pregnancy may
have liver dysfunction.
Although a high dose of PCDD/F can cause liver damage in humans, effects of
low level exposure are questionable (Triebig et al. 1998). While there is
a notable 3-fold increase in liver cancer mortality based on a 22-year follow-up
study in Japan, such a pattern was not found based on a 12-year follow-up
study in Taiwan, where there is no increase in liver tumor incidence in the
affected population (McGregor et al. 1998).
4. Immune System Impairment
The effects of HCB on the immune system are species-dependent. For instance,
HCB stimulates the immune response in the rat (Vos 1986). In contrast, HCB
seems to suppress humoral and cell-mediated immunity in the mouse (van Loveren
et al. 1990). Despite the documented experimental effects of HCB on animals,
there is no systematic study of the effects of HCB in the human immunological
system (Queiroz et al. 1997).
Queiroz et al. (1997) investigated the health status of former workers in
a chemical plant. Impairment in neutrophil migration was observed in the exposed
workers when compared to subjects in the general population.
Although Michielsen et al. (1999) stated that the mechanism by which HCB affects
immune system is still unclear, Queiroz (1997) suggested HCB is biotransformed
to sulphur-containing metabolites originating from the conjugation to glutathione
(GSH). GSH protects cells and tissues from free radicals, functions as a detoxifying
agent and regenerates immune cells. Presence of GSH will stop the replication
of many intracellular pathogens. Koss et al. (1987) demonstrated a depletion
of GSH level after administration of HCB to rats. The impairment of neutrophil
chemotaxis observed may be attributed, at least in part, to the HCB-induced
decrease in GSH levels (Queiroz et al., 1997).
In another study, Queiroz et al. (1998) also found significantly greater levels
of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM in HCB exposed workers when compared to
non-exposed subjects (Table 4).
Table 4: Mean serum IgG, IgM levels in control
subjects and HCB-exposed workers
Control subjects Exposed workers
Mean serum IgG level (mg/ml) 13.75 17.50
Mean serum IgM level (mg/ml) 1.37 1.80
IgG and IgM levels of HCB-exposed workers
are similar to those of alcoholic cirrhosis patients. Therefore, the changes
in IgG and IgM levels support the indication of hepatic dysfunction in the
HCB exposed workers. In animal studies, Wistar rats that were exposed to HCB
also show a dose-response relationship for increase in total serum IgM, IgG
and IgA levels (Michielsen et al., 1999).
It has been demonstrated that HCB has a stimulating effect on the number of
B-lymphocytes, particularly the B1 subset, which is responsible for the production
of 50% of total serum IgM. The derangement of the B1 cell population has been
associated with human autoimmune diseases, which may be frequently associated
with dermal lesions, especially in the sun-exposed areas. Some studies demonstrate
that HCB induces the formation of autoantibodies and causes dermal lesions,
suggesting that an autoimmune mechanism may underlie HCB induced symptoms.
Moreover, oral exposure to HCB for 6 weeks suppressed Natural Killer cell
(NK) activity in rat lungs in a dose-related manner (van Loveren et al., 1990).
In rats that were exposed to 450mg HCB/kg food, the NK activity in the lung
was one-third of that of normal rats. NK activity combats neoplastic and virus-infected
cells. This may explain why HCB exposure is thought to contribute to an increase
in cancer risk and immune system impairment.
TCDD affects the immune system by affecting the B and T-lymphocytes. In in
vitro studies, human B cells were reduced at TCDD concentrations as low as
10-14 mmol. The development of T cells in animals was also shown to be impaired
by TCDD (Jung et al. 1998).
5. Adverse Effects on Reproduction
In animal studies, it was found that the male reproduction system was affected
only by repeated exposure to very high doses of HCB (Den Tonkelaar et al.,
1978). In contrast, female rhesus monkeys appear to be more sensitive since
HCB exposure causes severe changes in ovarian structure. This seems plausible
because males produce a large quantity of sperm continuously, whereas the
number of oocytes in females is fixed and it is observed that the quality
of the oocytes deteriorates as the females approach the end of the reproductive
age. Exposure to HCB might accelerate the process of deterioration.
Certain dioxin congeners, for instance 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF, were reported to have
reproductive effects such as lowering sperm count and alteration of female
genital tracts. TCDD exposure has also been attributed to decreased sperm
production (Mukerjee 1998).
over Effects of HCB and Dioxin Exposure
Although some attribute effects
described above to the exposure to compounds such as HCB and dioxins, others
do not agree. For instance, Safe (2000) states that the sperm counts have
not decreased over the last 60 years in North America. In addition, there
are studies that show the human immune system actually uses chlorine, bromine
and iodine to kill invading microorganisms (Gribble, 1994). In addition, some
studies of populations that are chronically exposed to HCB do not indicate
adverse health effects. For instance, Burns and Miller (1975) did not find
evidence of adverse health effects due to the exposure to HCB.
Research Question / Hypothesis
The previous section explained the possible
adverse effects of exposure to HCB and dioxins on human health, and there
are two main questions:
1. What are the routes of exposure?
2. What are the factors that will influence the susceptibility of different
subsets of the population?
Previous follow-up studies on the adverse health effects of accidental exposure
to HCB and dioxins and the investigation of the health status of residents
in communities where ambient HCB concentration is high are particularly useful.
In addition, animal studies provide some insight to the action mechanisms
of these compounds.
Routes of Exposure
Occupational Exposure:
The two main routes of occupational exposure are believed to be inhalation
and dermal contact. Nevertheless, other factors and routes of exposure merit
attention and further investigation because a study by Currier et al. (1980)
found that the HCB level in blood of workers in chlorinated solvent production
plant was strongly associated with the number of years worked in the plant,
but was poorly correlated with environmental measurements such as work category
or activities. The lack of correlation between HCB exposure and HCB blood
concentration made the researchers suspect that the exposure was interrelated
with other factors such as improper handling of foodstuff and poor personal
hygiene. Queiroz et al. (1998) also noticed that the serum HCB level did not
correlate with the length of exposure to the substance, which also supports
the above explanation for the lack of dose-response relationship for workers
who have been exposed to HCB.
Routes of Exposure for the General Population:
For the general population, the major source of HCB and dioxins exposure is
as a contaminant in the diet (Michielsen et al., 1999; Mukerjee 1998). Since
both accumulate in fat tissues, it is not surprising that they are detected
in food items rich in fat, especially those of animal origin (van Birgelen,
1998). However, HCB can also be found in produces such as vegetables and legumes.
The mean HCB levels in US food during 1990-1991 were less than 1 ppb. An interesting
note here is that HCB concentration in UK potato peel was found to be as high
as 6 ppb (Wang & Jones 1994). World Health Organization estimated in 1997
that the daily intake of HCB by adults ranges from 0.0004 to 0.003 mg HCB/kg
body weight. The total daily intake of PCDD/F in terms of total toxic equivalents
(TEQ) is 115pg/person in the Netherlands. This figure should be higher in
the United States since their daily intake of TCDD alone (34.8pg/person) is
nearly twice that of an average Dutch citizen (20pg/person).
The general population exposure will also be from ambient air, contaminated
drinking water and also through contact with contaminated soil.
Ballester et al. (2000) also found that although having a spouse who works
in an electrochemical factory was associated with an elevated HCB concentration
in serum, relatives other than spouses did not show any increase in HCB concentration
in serum.
Populations in the Vicinity of Magnola
There are three towns in the vicinity of Magnola magnesium extraction plant:
Asbestos (population 6700), Danville (1900) and Shipton (3000). Since the
Asbestos mines reduced its operation in the 1980s, the surrounding communities
have not been growing and they have the characteristics of an aging population.
Magnola will be the only major industrial facility in that area, the other
nearest industrial establishments are in Sherbrooke.
Susceptibility of the General Population
According to Sala et al., (1999) the exposure to HCB did not affect the general
health status of a population over 14 years of age in Flix, Spain where the
level of HCB in the air is 35ng/m3. This is approximately 100 to 1000 times
higher than the readings obtained from other locations. The unusually high
HCB level in the air attracts our attention and the possibility of a reading
from a contaminated instrument, similar to the observation made by Basu et
al. (2000), could not be ruled out. However, we cannot verify the validity
of the air samples taken in Flix, Spain.
According to Magnola's estimates, the highest ambient air (i.e. air samples
taken at the boundary of the facility) HCB level under all weather conditions
will be approximately 1.4ng/m3, which is higher than the air HCB level from
other locations . Again, since the sample reading from Flix, Spain is yet
to be verified, the elevated air HCB level due to Magnola's emissions justifies
the concerns of Comité de Citoyens.
The EPA estimates that, if a person were to inhale air containing HCB at 0.002g/m3 (2ng/m3) over their entire lifetime, that individual will theoretically have no more than a one millionth increased chance of developing cancer as a direct result of the chemical (EPA, 1993). Authors of the Environmental Report by EPA chose 2.2ng/m³ as the limit. If the air HCB level is in fact 35ng/m3 in Flix, Spain, where the general population of the community has not shown observable adverse health effects, the HCB emission from Magnola at 1.4ng/m3 appears acceptable. The study in Flix, Spain by Sala et al. (1999) is particularly useful because the study site is in a rural environment and the only industrial activity present is the electrochemical factory, which has been producing volatile chlorinated solvents in the last four decades. Furthermore, the concentrations of other airborne organochlorine compounds in the air of Flix, Spain are similar to that of the reference community. This lowers the possibility of the effect of other sources of organochlorine compounds. In addition, 1800 residents (43% of the population over 14 years of age) of that community were included in that study. This large sample size also allows us to use it as a model to predict the effect of HCB in the air for the residents near Magnola project.
Susceptibility of Individuals with High HCB
and Dioxins Exposure
However, Sala et al. (1999) also pointed out that the most highly exposed
subjects, males who worked at the electrochemical factory, have a significant
increase of pathology related to HCB including goiter, hypothyroidism and
cancer. It is important to note that according to Okamura et al. (1987), overt
hypothyroidism is more common in women in a normal population. A higher than
expected incidence of overt hypothyroidism in male workers would be an implication
of adverse health effects due to HCB exposure. Exposure to dioxins was reported
to have no effect on thyroid stimulating hormone level in recycling plant
workers (Triebig et al. 1998). Grimalt et al. (1994) also found that thyroid
and brain neoplasm and soft-tissue sarcomas in males in Flix, Spain are higher
than expected. All males who had cancer in that study had worked in the factory,
while none of the female subjects in that study worked in the electrochemical
factory. This conclusion is supported by another more recent study by Herrero
et al. (1999), who found the mean HCB level in serum is 72.8ng/ml for males,
and 17.7ng/ml for females of Flix, Spain. This is much higher than the serum
HCB level obtained from studies conducted at other locations.
Gender Differences
Grimalt et al. (1994) also mentioned the possibility of gender differences
in the excretion of HCB derivatives. Burns and Miller (1975), found a higher
HCB blood residues in males than in females. In that study there were 22 husband-wife
pairs living in exposed households and males had higher residues (5.10ppb)
than the females (1.70ppb). However, To-Figueras et al. (2000) believe that
the most probable explanation for higher HCB concentration in blood samples
from males is their employment in the electrochemical factory, which is the
main determinant of the variation in HCB body burden. It is also important
to point out that Ballester et al. (2000) also found that among non-factory
workers, the HCB concentrations in blood were higher in women (14.3ng/ml)
than in men (8.1ng/ml).
In fact, a study conducted by To-Figueras et al. (1997) indicated that pentachlorobenzenethiol
(PCBT) is a good urinary marker of HCB internal dose, and by measuring the
PCBT in urine samples, the researchers suggest that the HCB metabolism is
probably more efficient in men than in women. This means that although males
have a more efficient metabolism of HCB and eliminate more PCBT than females,
due to the high exposure to the substance at work place, their HCB level in
the serum is still much higher than women.
Regarding the effects on reproduction, it appears that female subjects are
more susceptible than males. HCB is known to be a potent oocyte toxicant in
primates. The primordial germ cell appears to be sensitive to HCB levels before
the onset of porphyria. Initial analysis of serum HCB and risk for spontaneous
abortion by Jarrell et al. (1998) showed that they were significantly associated.
However, they concluded that risk of spontaneous abortion was not restricted
to patients who experienced a clearly identified high exposure event. The
induction of porphyria by HCB was not associated with serum HCB levels or
adverse reproductive outcome when assessed at approximately 40 years after
exposure of the contamination incident. It is also important to note that
currently the women in the control group living in Ankara have a higher blood
HCB level than the women who lived in Diyarbakir, where the contamination
incident occurred in the 1950s. Moreover, the threshold for risk of spontaneous
abortion was possibly in the range of HCB levels of control groups toward
the end of their reproductive lifetime. Factors such as number of pregnancies,
babies and abortions may play a role in determining body burden of lipophilic
chemicals such as HCB (Jarrell et al. 1998).
Another complication in reproduction noted in female porphyria patients is
the observation that hormonal changes during pregnancy precipitate the disorder
(De Mola et al. 1996).
The most vulnerable individuals in the general population are the infants,
particularly breast-fed newborns. There was a high mortality (>95%) among
young children, especially those under the age of 1 year, who were exposed
to HCB via placenta or maternal milk in the Turkish contamination incident
(Michielsen et al., 1999). In fact virtually all children between the ages
of 2 months and 5 years were eliminated in the affected communities (Courtney,
1979). One of the reasons why infants are particularly vulnerable is that
they have not yet fully developed detoxification mechanisms and their organs
are in the process of rapid growth. Moreover the developing immune system
seems to be particularly vulnerable to the immunotoxic effects of HCB and
dioxins (Michielsen et al. 1999; McGregor et al. 1998). Nakashima et al. (1997)
found that a great portion of the HCB accumulated in dams during pregnancy
was postnatally transferred to suckling pups through milk after birth. They
concluded that prenatal transfer of HCB to rat fetuses was small, and a great
portion of the HCB that accumulated in dams during pregnancy was postnatally
transferred to suckling pups. Cross-fostering in animal studies also showed
that normal pups that were fed by dams that had been exposed to HCB died within
days after suckling from the HCB-exposed female (Courtney, 1979). Intakes
of dioxins by breast-fed human babies can exceed the Tolerable Daily Intake
(TDI) of 10pg/kg body wt/day by almost 20-fold. (Pollitt, 1999)
The above findings show that breast-fed babies are particularly vulnerable.
Czaja et al. (1997) also indicated that lipophilic compounds such as HCB accumulate
in human fat tissue and are excreted in human milk through lactation. Breast
milk is rich in fat and the HCB concentration in the adipose tissue is about
50 times higher than maternal blood HCB concentration (Ando et al. 1985).
Similarly, dioxins are lipophilic and are highly concentrated in the milk.
Mothers who consume more fat-rich items such as seal blubber and beluga skin
have a higher amount of HCB in their body. This is observed in Inuit communities
in the Arctic region (Dewailly et al., 1993). Traditional Inuit diet consists
of fat-rich items, and Inuit women breast milk samples were found to have
higher concentrations of HCB than breast milk samples from Caucasian women
in southern Quebec. To eliminate the discrepancy caused by possible genetic
differences in the two populations, populations of two Inuit communities were
compared. While 89% Inuit from Hudson Straight region consumed fermented seal
or beluga blubber once a year or more, only 28% of women from the Ungava reported
the same habit. HCB concentrations in the Hudson Straight group and in the
Ungava group were 188ng/g breast milk fat and 115ng/g breast milk fat respectively.
Variations in milk fat dioxin and HCB concentrations in samples from different countries may be in part explained by the differences in diet. Milk samples from developed countries have a higher dioxin TEQ than samples from undeveloped countries (Mukerjee 1998), which may be attributed to differences in meat consumption. Adverse Effect Threshold Level There is little information on the threshold levels and dose-response relationship of HCB and on HCB-related adverse effects in humans (To-Figueras et al., 2000). Animal tests indicate that the LD50 in mice and rats is 10 000mg/kg body weight, and this means that HCB has low to moderate acute toxicity from oral exposure (Courtney 1979). With regard to dioxins, a similar lack of dose-response relationships has been reported. In fact, with regard to quantitative cancer risk assessment for dioxins, the data collected by Becher et al. (1998), do not indicate the presence of a threshold level. The EPA has determined that there is not enough information to establish a Reference Concentration (RfC) for HCB but the Reference Dose (RfD) for HCB is 0.0008 mg/kg/d. (80mg/kg/d) The RfD is a reference point to gauge the potential effects. It is the estimated daily exposure level at which there will not be appreciable risk of deleterious effects even for the most sensitive individuals in their life-time. Exceeding the RfD does not imply that an adverse health effect would necessarily occur. As the amount and frequency of exposure exceeding the RfD increase, the probability of adverse health effects also increases. A comparable measure for dioxin related health effects is the TDI, 10pg/kg body weight/day, which is derived from the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) in animal studies with an added safety factor. Another difficulty is that the half-life of HCB in humans is still unknown (van Birgelen, 1998; WHO 1997), although Currier et al. (1980) suggested that the half-life of HCB in chemical plant workers appeared to be about 2 years. This seems reasonable since the half-life of HCB is reported to be 2.5-3 years in rhesus monkeys (Rozman et al. 1981). As mentioned previously, the World Health Organization estimated (1997) that the daily intake of HCB by adults ranges from 0.0004 to 0.003 mg HCB/kg body weight, while the RfD is 80mg HCB/kg/day. It seems that the daily HCB intake by residents of communities surrounding Magnola will not be likely to exceed this RfD. The TDI of TCDD is 10pg/kg body wt/day. Hence, a person who weighs 50kg can tolerate a maximum of 500pg/person/day. The aforementioned TCDD intake of 20pg/person/day in the Netherlands is below the maximum tolerable daily intake. This suggests that dioxin intakes by the general population are well below the TDI.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Magnola magnesium extraction plant is not
at its full operation capacity yet, and it only intends to measure HCB and
dioxin levels in the air three times a year. However, this may not truly reflect
the distribution of these substances in the air under all weather conditions.
Moreover, because the projected air HCB levels in the vicinity of Magnola
is more than double that of air HCB levels from other locations around the
world, the air quality monitoring program should attempt to provide data on
HCB levels in the air at shorter time intervals to allow proper assessment.
In addition, the monitoring program should start immediately in order to provide
a frame of reference in the future. In other words, this will allow future
researchers determine the changes in air quality, particularly air HCB concentration,
attributable to Magnola.
It appears that the workers at the magnesium extraction plant will have a
higher level of body HCB burden. It is therefore imperative for the company
to create occupational hygiene education programs so that workers can avoid
excessive exposure.
It is in the general population's best interest to measure the blood HCB level
before the plant reaches its full capacity. This will allow future studies
to have a frame of reference, and a more accurate estimate of increase in
HCB concentration attributable to Magnola will be possible. In addition to
blood samples, another good indicator of HCB burden in the human body is the
amount of pentachlorobenzenethiol (PTBC) in the urine samples (To-Figueras
et al. 1997). Such data should also be collected now for future comparisons.
Moreover the use of oral contraceptives and alcohol consumption by residents
in communities around Magnola should be examined. The reasons are that increased
reported cases of porphyria in women of childbearing may be related to the
use of oral contraceptives (De Mola et al. 1996), and middle-aged males who
indulge in alcohol consumption are the most common porphyria patients (Baxi
et al. 1983).
The potential adverse health effects due to exposure to HCB and dioxins are
not limited to the five effects discussed in this section. Currently researchers
are investigating the action mechanism of HCB on skin, lung and immune system
(Michielsen et al. 1999), and as mentioned above the threshold level of adverse
health effects by chronic HCB exposure is yet to be determined (To-Figueras
et al. 2000). Therefore, this report should be updated later.
Introduction | Groundwater Contamination
Risks Of Volatilization | Health Effects| Ecological Effects
Glossary | References | Our Group